3rd & 4th February 2013 - The Workshop door Fights Back
Two days combined together - you will see why as we proceed.

Monday morning, its about 2am and I am wide awake, so decide to go down the workshop for a bit
Time for a bit of a tidy up, this door needs the 2x2 and hinges removing. (ready for next time I have circular saw out to cut up in bits for Jan Horton to burn.

ready to be de nailed at some stage

Gay Gordon want to get involved, so he has been busy sucking once again

Time to start to insulate the bottom part.
As you can just see its bloody early as its still dark!

I use up off cuts of the Plastic liner

The large off cut Fireproof polystyrene box ready to be plundered

this hole has got 80mm of insulation

another off cut

More polystyrene bits

100mm thick so far

looking better and I can feel a lot less draughts

ready to be boarded, but needs some 2x2 batoning to level thing off

time to start across the top of the door,
this bit needs a bit of cutting with the bench saw

time to fill the hole with insulation

that''s better, I have packed it in as tight as it will go

bummer just a few mm's too long

and in it goes and screwed to the workshop framework.

Still a bit of a gap and not level

so I grab this 3x2 off cut

measure n mark it up and put in workmate

and after some planing in it goes and screwed into place

time to start on this side

again another off cut comes to the rescue

Again some planing to do

and its soon screwed into its new home

Planing the final piece

and its done
Ready for sealant and paint

it was nice sitting in front of the heater,
watching the sun come up,
but time to get on,
into the old brown shed for this bit of weather board

and its soon marked n cut up and screwed into place

Ok so its not long enough,
there will be another layer going on top in spring

bummer marked it the wrong way round,
but it will have to do

still some gaps,
but will fill them all in together

time to get this boarded up

and here

this has pulled out,
whilst we have been cutting the hole and fitting the door
will sort with some long screws at some stage.

this off cut is marked up

and with circular saw and drill the beam slot is cut out

Sometimes, you just have to use the old time consuming methods

and its soon screwed in place

Now, will the door close or not ?

Bummer have run out of the most used screws
will have to get some more!

Off comes the door handles

and the dead lock strip

now ready to remove the old lock and give the door a bloody good clean.

and with a bit o wiggling out comes the door lock

Brought this on Sunday from B&Q
Anne McGarrie - hahahaha Homebase
Stephen Osborn - they all the bloody same to me
Anne McGarrie - I work for B&Q so they wouldn't have worked from there either x
Stephen Osborn - got one in the end for less than half the price of this one

took the broken handle apart to see if easy fix

dead lock pin

Bloody keys don't work
so they can go back!

So I shut the door and use the deadlocks to keep door closed and secure

I spent 5 hours yesterday travelling to and around and back from Peterborough,
but finally got new handles and a lock

unfortunately not all the parts are a 100% fit

drilling a few holes

soon sorts that issue

The dead lock are all corroded and stiff,

I start to dismantle the dead lock components.

this one works nicely now it has been given a real good clean,
and I have greased it well

And this lock soon follows

Right time to fit everything back in the door.

mmm bloody locks stopped working
so back out it comes and given another good clean n greasing

works now

after 5 frustrating hours or screwing all the dead locks back into the door
and then having to remove it, taking it all apart again,
it finally all works as it should
How was I to know they all only fit together and work one way

Tested several times and now opens n shuts as it should and locks on the keys
That it today folks
Its time to get guitars out and practice for my birthday party next month and for Jam nite tonight at Old Nicks