Hi Folks.
Lost most of the pics from this album, in harddrive crash, but managed to salvage the following.
Not really done anything with it for the last few years due to health, but Cesspits not been emptied for 5 years and thought it was time to start and re-find it!
Original Facebook replies..
Ian-Fido Worthington - itd be right when its finished ours is coming along slowly
Phill Hamer - must be something in the air, i av been in the garden today, i NEVER do gardening lol
Jack McClain - All the faries live in downtown Youngstown Ohio! they even have their own Bar !!
Jacqueline Tierney - Nettle Tea anyone!!
Malcolm Strong - keep on top of it
Robert Shaw - great veggy patch
Stephen Osborn - That's the Plan (it was once)
mmmmm, Theres a Cesspit and Garden here somewhere
I am fed up being stung when I am reversing Kurgan outa the Workshop
Just over an hour later. - need some more wire for strimmer.
But found part of the Cesspit and it don't look too full,
need to find the other end tho
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