Morning me..... enforced rest day today!
After yesterdays drive, I was left absolutely shattered and exhausted, also in a lot of pain.
I had nothing pencilled in today, as I just did not know how yesterday was go go like and how my body mind was gonna react.
Lynne came up to get dressed and asked if I could get up and wait for a delivery for Michael whilst they went shopping.
It actually felt good to be able to do something instead on relying on them all the time.
Not slept thro-out the day, just rested and watched some episodes of George n Mildred and the final season of Das Boot!.
Tomorrow looks as if I will be busy as good sales on eBay this weekend, nothing sold for much, but it all helps get the bank account recovered for the MOT later this week.
By evening time I wanted to get up and do something, but my body was so tired that I just didn't get out of bed.....
So will leave it till Monday....
A question that has been spinning around my head all day !
If professionals can rarely help those with depression, especially if there are more symptoms !
Then how are other people and those who try and support you know if they are doing it right or wrong ????
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