5th December 2022 - Vincent - Kawasaki 1500 SE

Published on 6 December 2022 at 00:26

Hi Folks.

When I was adding link for this page on the menu, I was shocked to see how long ago it was since I had done anything, or even been down to look at Vincent!!

I just do not understand were the days go ???

Any way this is a short update, as Michael if of work on Monday's (Using up his Holidays rather than loose them).

So I am if he is willing to give me a hand on some jobs, that rather piss me off, because I am not able to do alone, or able to do the small jobs. 

Even tho it is wet outside, normally if I was well enough I would be out on the road pottering around, purely just for Riding's sake.

But I am definitely not well enough to even consider taking a bike out on the road.

And it just vindicates my decision to get to float valves replaced in the carbs make sure all the jets are nice n clean and get it detailed and put up for sale. The money will be a huge boost to the Scotland fund. and is a good 

enough cause for me to go down that route.

Altho part of me wants to keep it, as its a lovely ride and we both enjoy going out on it. But I think the trip to Stamford hospital, and when  couldn't see scared the shit out of both of us!!   

But today, we finally got Vincent covered up. not 100% because the leather bag makes it tall at the back and the bike cover (proper one for the bike) just will not stretch.

So I will contact me local garage who MOT's Vincent and does small jobs for me on him, and see how much the costs will be, they know I have the parts and are happy to fit them.

Then find someone to come down and detail it and then I will get it listed/posted.

I know I could get more if I waited till March time, but will be needing the money for just after Xmas at latest start of Feb.

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