5th february 2014 - Various Hobbies - Workshop Update

Published on 22 September 2022 at 15:22

Good Morning Folks.
It's been great that so far I am able to keep going down the workshop and potter around in there, slowly getting things done....

The downside is, that at the end of each stay down the workshop, The next day I have to have a clean up, before I can start ob today's jobs.

There is not much I can do about it, as I do not know until often in seconds, that I have taken my body or mind too its limit. 

Where I just down tools (altho I try to finish the job before leaving, but usually I have just enough in me to get home and sit down).

I am hoping that things will improve, but I am not counting on it! 

5th February 2014 - Various Hobbies - Workshop Update

Over the last few days

I have been sort of lax about it

But I blame the frustration n swearing of the side door.

Still a bit narrow, but looks a lot better and,

I start to feel a bit better as well

Vast improvement, under this part of the workbench,

is the only part of the wall, that's still waiting to be framed, lined, insulated and boarded up.

But rooms still at a premium at the moment, So it will have to wait

Gary Strawbridge - That shelf looks damn straight! Is it screwed down flat yet?



Stephen Osborn - no m8 - not had chance to look at it


That looks better

bloody winds playing havoc, with the wood stack coverings
downside of having to move it is its getting full force of the wind and rain

Gary Strawbridge - good view...



Stephen Osborn - you will like it m8 - think you will be amazed at just how much brighter the whole place is


Soon have loads of 3x3 stacked against it, plus any other useful bits I can use.

Unfortunately the weather was causing my back to play up, and the garden is still a mess

Right gonna make a start in this corner, the last bit of construction to do along this left wall.

Well the rest still needs finishing in places, but till I can get units and shelve built/put up, there not gonna get done

There will be a bench and shelving below and above

Whilst seeing what wood is just laying around in here,

I find this sheet of hardboard,

that's almost a perfect fit for this part of the wall

Whilst using Gay Gordon, I notice a huge draft

Gary Strawbridge - I think this was where I had to garden below in order to get the under door joist to fit - and all of the waste packing fell out. That would explain it.

Stephen Osborn - yep, Got slabcast coming down to quote for all fencing and slabbing - hopefully this week or after court case.
They busy at moment on large concrete job and are trying to get it all done as weather allows so they all on it

coming from this gap between the floor and wall

so an old nearly empty expanding foam can, soon sorts that issue out

In goes a piece of 3x3 for the other rear shelf upright.

Need to think about how I want this to be done,




So I finally decide to get this hardboard up on the wall

Its soon cut and fits very nicely and screwed into place

When I fit the top board,

I realise that I have cut n fitted the bottom board back to front
Something I noticed starting to happen yesterday,

whilst doing things next week hits me and I seem to loose concentration on what ever I am doing

Its not fair as all I want is to forget and tire myself out so I just drop off to sleep before my mind can take over
So I decide that I cant screw up painting,

so these boards get there first coat

Altho back to front looks better,

luckily will be 4" wide shelves covering this whole wall

the inner door frame gets first coat of paint

As does the timber above the door.
Not sure If I am gonna board this yet.

so decided to paint it anyway


the old roof beam that will remain exposed gets its first coat of paint.

and start to go down the other door frame upright

I cant believe how much brighter it is inside here now,

with the window in the door and most walls (that can be seen) painted white
Instead of being dark and cave like, now feels light and airy.

the 2nd shelf upright and side boards get a coat of paint

Looking loads better.

before n after shot - huge difference.

The new roof beam gets its first coat of paint.

Still a bit dark, here, but as soon as rest or roof is lined n boarded and 2nd light fitted should be a lot brighter.

Time for 2nd coat of paint

now really making huge difference

Mind you makes the door frame and window, look really dirty, but then been sat outside for over 5 years
I have noticed some drafts, mainly from around the door frame, as soon as I can will pick up some sealant and go round the outside and inside, which should cure these


Looking loads better than it did when I came in,

but I cant stop my mind wondering on next week and feel physically sick and unstable,

so head up to the house and go to bed to read,

that was about 4pm - next thing I knew Lynne was in the room and it was gone 8.30pm

I Will go back down the workshop tomorrow,

not sure about Friday as have to pull out disco rig n test it ready for Sat nites disco booking.

I Don't know about Sunday either,

will just have to wait n see how I feel and things work out.


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