Things are just getting worse !
This Song just about sums things up! REM - Until The Day Is Done
I am not a fan of REM, but this song (that played at the end of Cold Case" program I was watching, just started teh tears flowing and resonated within me.
So click on teh link above and listen to it as you read today's update.
I have just about been bed bound since the last update, there is no reason to get up or even try to do anything!.
The transit has new injectors, but now has more issues ! - "see latest update in Transit Conversion Album."
The urgent meds I need appointments have all been cancelled, as I cannot get to the hospital on 3 consecutive days, as the transit & Vincent are both off the road !
And I do not qualify for free transport!!!
I have just about lost any hope of getting the transit repaired at all, just no funds unless I use those I have for the full tank of fuel to get me to straughtium and pay the ferry! and even then will probably will not cover teh cost of repairs.
I did have a sort of a good hour a few days back, and uncovered Vincent to start stripping out the carbs, but I cannot find teh keys & parts I have brought to rebuild the carbs and get it back on teh road.
Still no contact with family, I hear them laughing down stairs, which just goes to prove that my feelings are right about me leaving and just ending everything where we laid some of Tim's ashes back in 2014.
I will half fill the urn I have with Tims remaining ashes and the rest of teh space is for me, if anyone walking to the mine finds me................
drs have been in touch but have no memory of what they said, and there is just no point if I cannot get to teh hospital for the major meds I need that can only be given by staying the day and being drip fed into me.
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