Hi Folks - It has been a while, due to Illness and other Issues !!
So here is an update as to what is happening to the transit so far, from the last Update..........
Ken has been asked to do the running repairs as cheap as possible, Altho I would love to change all the injectors, I just do not have teh funds, and as I fell my Health is deteriating quicker than I hoped, if I do not make this joourney this year, I probably will never make it !
The transit has had the injectors tested again, and we definately have an issue on 2 Injectors been tested (No Continuity).
They have been sent away to be cleaned !.
The wiring has been checked and repairs made.
Also hopefully Ken is well enough to cut the plates needed to install the roof rack, whilst we are waiting for teh injectors to be returned.
Obviously No Conversion work can be done at this time, but I have decided that I will get teh ceiling and insulation installed and basic wiring and Solar Panels installed and then stack teh rest of teh wood tidily out of teh way and head of as soon as funds allow.
Any further conversions will be done on rainy days, or when I am not well enough to get outside!.
More updates as I get them
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