5th September 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.

We are back home after a great weekend away on Vincent.

met some long term friends at Wozwolf Rally, Many we have not seen in years !

But if everything hoes to plan we will be back at Wozwolf Next year.

But it was not all for meeting up with our friends, it also how I managed to cope and any changes we are gonna have to be made.

Some of the changes, we do not want to do, but have no choice others are there for me to be made so we have a better time for the next 3 years plus with our lives.

I am very tired but also within a couple of hours of coming home I could feel the Black Dog digging in his heals once again !
So I just went to bed and slept the rest of the day and most of the night of..

Tomorrow - we will start on the changes that will be effecting our lives, over the next 3 years plus.