Hi Folks
I am getting thru the items sorted out from the last few sessions of sorting thru box's n bags in the Computer room, with just some small items to list.
But I got bored with listing them, so I decided to have another spell of sorting n tidying the Computer Room again...
I decide it is time to try n sort the pile of mess that is on my Chair out!
The chair is earmarked to be cut up and burnt!
As it is just too big for in here, plus I want to put a table in between Lynne & Mines Computers for the Printer and one or 2 other items.
So the sooner I can get the chair cleared the sooner I can get the circular saw out and chop it up into chunks that can be burnt in the Fire Drum :) :)
I know it is not gonna be easy, at this time there is no room to keep paper bills, receipts n stuff, but I need to do it, even if it means putting those bits of paper into a shopping bag or three - and can put them away later, when I have access to the folder drawer, were we started to collate all the paperwork we need to keep.
I think the best way to start, is around the edges, as likely to find some stuff I can sell of, ideal if my back starts to play up.
immediately, I am throwing stuff away, which is always a good sigh, letting me find some items that I can sell.
I have put them onto my Computer Desk, ready for me to start taking there pics making sure they all there and in some cases watch DVDs, whilst I am sorting thru the pile on my old chair!.
MMMMM, this is gonna take a lot longer than I thought, mainly because of my legs n back, but also because I am only able to stay on me feet for 10-15 mins at a time, sometimes not even that.
But I soon have a pile of items on my desk, so it's time to start going thru them and seeing what I can list straight away.
I was hoping to have turned the corner of the room looking worse, before it starts to look
better and be more encouraging to carry on.
But sorting this lot, is gonna make things look even worse due to amount of small items, and they always seem to take a lot longer, before you notice any difference.
But at least some of the track, has already been sorted, and should hopefully be quick to get there pics taken and listed.
For me the bonus, is 3 more boxes to use, for listed items, altho at this point in time, I only have room to use 1 !
So I need to find a balance between listing and sorting thru, so that I get it sorted as quick as possible, and this is my target for the week, to get the chair cleared and if I can get it cut up, ready for Michael n Lynne to take down to the Fire drum area, being a real nice bonus.
But then I get side tracked!
I have not seen this game since the 90's, when Lynne n me would spend hours sat here and would loose hours playing these type of games.
We always loved it and I think Lynne would be up for it again, if I was to start playing games again.
A quick look online reveals, that Loom can work on Linux using Wine, So I sit down and before I know it I have lost 2 hours, only to find that the cd is NOT in the box !
Will have to ask Michael if he has it, as This is the original version 1.0 and I know from previous experience, just how much they sell for, in the condition this is in.....
I finally manged to drag myself away from Loom after reading all the literature in the box, and think I had better start on listing, but bed one out!
Well it is nearly 5am !
Pam see's me back awake and sat on my computer writing these updates.
Whilst going thru the pile on my desk, I come across this DVD - a bloody good film with John Thaw at his best.
But would I be prepared to sell it ???
That's a tough answer to give, I am gonna have to put it to one side and think about it for now!.
There so far has not been anything that I feel deeply about, since I started sorting thru the Computer Room, than for this film.
It has taken me by surprise, and is making me think about the beatings I suffered as a very young child.
Maybe why a film that's acted & done so well
resonates with me....
Not prepared to go thru that and deal with it at this point!.
V - I cannot remember watching this, but I must have done and enjoyed it as I do not often buy box sets ?
So I will watch this probably an episode a night and then sell it on.
But then again, I have not looked yet, but for a box set in this condition and not any marks on the DVD's, probably is not gonna go for anything close to what it is worth.
I have been quiet harsh with my prices, many I have started at 99p - £1.99 - just to sell them, as they mean absolutely nothing to me, that at times it may just be worth keeping the odd thing and enjoying it.....
I thought I had found all these "World at war DVD's", but it turns out I missed this one, and I wonder how many more I will find on the chair ??
and at 49p each, i hope they will not be around for much longer, I expect possibly someone will want to buy the lot and we can work a deal out. either way I have enjoyed them once more before I listed each one I had found :) :)
I used this to pass mt Pat testing and certificate, I do not know if there is a marked for this, but I can only try, I will list it at 99p start and see if anything happens or someone uses the "make a offer button"
For the Disco I found it a great help, as I saved shed loads of money when I pat tested the leads n equipment myself.
Next to "Full Throttle" this is my most favourite game, I lost many an hour playing this, but again not seen it since the 90s when I went over to Linux.
But again it can be got to work using Wine, but it is a game I will never sell, unless they make an identical one for Linux.
Settlers, Loom and Full Throttle could get me back into gaming, once again ???
Not a dammed clue what this is, so will stick the disc in and see what it is about, but Will be listed on eBay unless it's something I enjoy!.
Right that sit for the start of of sorting the items out on my old recliner chair.
So gonna go and have brekie, take me med's and then get started at getting these listed to start on Saturday :) :)
I have listed quite a few bits, so now I am gonna see how my back is and do some more
gentle pottering as I continue, to clear my old recliner chair..
I do not know for how long, but I will take what I can do and be grateful, I am not bed bound!!
Right before I attack this pile, have grabbed a large shopping bag, to put paperwork and small things I want to keep!..
The Navman cd has lifetime serial number with it, so we will see, when I get chance to upgrade my navman....
I do not have a clue, were to start, so I shut my eyes and reach and and will start with the first thing I put my hands on :) :)
I am hoping that this mouse is fully working, as will do for Lynne's computer :) :)
and save us some money at the same time...
If it does not work, it will go into a box of Computer Spares n Repairs and when full I will list it for £1.99 and see what it makes....
This collapsible bucket has a load of cables inside.
I thing I am gonna have to create a post it note to unscrew the disco room door, as it refuses to open!! for this week/weekend.
As I have 2 bags at least of cables sat in the computer room, that I could do with listing if good, put in a box of faulty cables if not and when full will start it at £1.99 and see what happens :) :)
Have pulled this tin and sat it behind my chair on the Ottoman, I will sort thru it later on :) :)
Does not like there is much in there, but there looks be some computer screws, which I am now always short of, after I threw a huge box of them away when I did not know what I was doing...
So the tray that sits in a 5 1/4" bay in my
Computer could be getting some more screws n small items to help fill it up.
I do not know were or when I got the tray, but it is extremely useful and I would like another one to go into Lynne's computer.
So when I am away, if she has a problem, I can tell here exactly were tools and items are.
Which will make things easier for her.
This Clipper model railway power supply, will be SOLD as Spares n Repairs ONLY, I just do not have the time to put a plug on it and check the wiring over.
Talking to some of my Model Railway the people who make Clipper are still honouring the Life Time warranty !
Haw many company;s would do that with one of there products over 40 years old ?????
Anyway will start at £1.99 and see what how it goes.
Wonder if this blue tooth keyboard still works ??
Not a clue were the blue tooth usb module is, but wonder if my mouse one will pick the keyboard up ??
I will try it sometime, it may release this keyboard for Lynne's Computer.
Wonder how long Timothy's replacement Graphics card is gonna take to get here ?
As it would make a difference with it all in one piece and all together..
These lights, I vaguely remember seeing them around the Computer room, something wants me to say, we brought these back in 2012 and were gonna use them for xmas, but then things happened by a so called motorcyclist! who should have stopped - the twat will never be forgiven for that!!
Anyway I think these are gonna be sold off, as no use for them as we do not really do
decorations anymore, as it reminds too much of Timothy and his love off xmas and all that went with it..
This Cortex, was the backup unit in case mine started to play up!
It never did after the initial issues when I first brought the Cortex ( I was one of the 1st to buy one, and let's just say I got to know there rep and engineer extremely well, as we worked together ti iron out the bugs !!)
But to give them it's fair dues the original one is still my preferred play out device on the disco and is still going strong some 14 years later..
anyway they do not come up very often as people tend to keep them, and even fewer still have the boxes, let alone the original packaging inside!
my disco headphones, I have been using them on my Computer, but the new ones have arrived, so these will be listed before Saturday.
I hope they make a good price, as they are decent headphones, ok been well n truly superseded now, but still going strong, not that I used them much when DJing as I preferred to do thing natural like, but very handy when someone is not sure if they have requested the right song, Lynne would plug them into her laptop so the person could be sure it was the right track.
Progress is slow n steady, just looking at the items, I have pulled out so far will keep me quiet listing them for quite a few hours :) :)
Plus once done I will have 3 more boxes to use for the listed stack :) :)
I think the bottom box is all wires from the snakes we used to use for the light trusses, when we took the full light show out to play :) :)
A lot more progress from the top of the pile thou, If it wasn't that every time i picked something up loads of stuff just fell to the floor, the same was happening when I moved, so between that and my back n legs they conspired against me to sit down and do the website updates, and then start to sort n list everything I have found today....
So a busy night ahead of me, as I will be going to grab a few hours kip shortly :) :)
The more I do the more tired I am getting,
More tired, but that is to be expected I suppose.
As long as I can keep up every day I do not really care, if I have to have a siesta.......
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