6th february 2014 - Various Hobbies - Workshop Update

Published on 22 September 2022 at 08:18


in goes my last length of 2x2 baton into the roof, to start pre pairing for the roof insulation

Found an off cut that just fits in here snugly

need some more bits, and cant find any at the moment, so time to move onto something else

I bring in 4 lengths of 3x2 ready to be de nailed and any rotten bits cut off

All 3 bits are now de-nailed and trimmed, the other one is so warped, only good for short pieces

I cut a length down for front bench leg

and plain of the rough edge

and its screwed into place

Time to cut another length and screw it to the floor and line it up.

and the front is done for now

the bit of 3x2 that's badly warped, I manage to find a sort of straight bit to cut

and its soon screwed into place.

the other side, I also get from the warped bit of 3x2

And that's soon screwed in place.

Wombat has nipped over,

so as I am just about out of screws time to go to the house for a cuppa and a chat

Right Wombat has headed of home,

I have been and raided Andrews screw boxes,

so its time to fit the back baton

yep all nicely square

I bring in a sheet of 1" chipboard from the other shed.
Now chipboard is not good for work bench top table.

But is great for those shelves below..

and soon have it marked out ready to cut

and its soon screwed in place

The vice will be bolted here.

I have an idea or too - so will wait before I screw it down as would like to make it portable, so the bench could possibly be used for other things

mmm need some power here, so use an old gang socket screwed to the side of the bench

I feed the mains wire thru

and its all screwed up and hung

I need some electrical cable ties.
I will check Disco Toolbox later on!

and for under the bench, just to keep the cable snagging against tools ECT

I decide to put a shelf about 5" below the top shelf.

I have used up all the 3x2 and its pouring with rain outside, so its all wet

So I use a 2x1 baton instead

Its not as if whats going on here is heavy

All done, ready for shelving

I drag in a piece of feather board and mark it out ready to cut.
But i feel very tired, so will leave it for today.
Hopefully get a few hours spare to get back in workshop tomorrow


Stephen Osborn - Cheers m8

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