Welcome to our 2018 disco page.
After a rest and lunch its into the Disco Room.
First job is to take the lights in the for sale box inside ( Many thanks Michael )
Shelf Cleared and the Orion lights's are sorted and labled yesterday are now in there home
(not sure at this stage if permanent or not) !
My Next shelve to sort,
I think pretty much all lights, but with me you never know.
Down comes the 1st Box
The lanling's, So I get all 6 lights out!
I turn the mains switch on, and the mains switch Lights up,
but nothing else happens
Nope the lasers do not light up :( :(
Time to find the manual.
Should be in my manual box,
when I can get to it
making note of Jumper settings
Altho on looking at other lights, they mainly all set differently !
With changing the dip switch settings,
I had forgotten these lights were setup for DMX control !
This light now works
and is tested and labled up
and This one Lights up
and into its new home it goes
On this light Only Green Laser working and joins the repair pile
this one lights up
and works good
mmm this one red laser only
After stripping it down,
It turned out the green laser had been knocked out of alignment and was aimed at the cover.
Soon Sorted :) :)
I have dismantled this one, as it rattles
and found a loose screw
Had to take it all apart to find were it belongs
After some 20 Mins and a complete strip down I find were it belongs
So with some Lock Thread in it goes
and tests 100%
so its labled up and put in new home
This light has a dim, green laser
It just needed the laser resetting in its mounts
And it joins the other 3 Lanling lights
That leaves these 2 of non working light and one with only green laser working
I decide to try and build one light out of two
I have stripped the covers of,
I have stripped the covers of,
Yep the Green Lasers is working..
So out comes the faulty Red laser Unit.
its not too hard
But does take some wiggling !
and its free
I decide to remove the fan and top cover,
this pic is just to show me were it connects to one of the boards
that's better
from the other faulty light, its time to remove the laser
At this stage I don't know if the red laser works or not !
and in it goes to the light I am repairing
and hey presto, I now have 5 working lights out of the 6
I got these lights from China, back in 2008 as I had a friend who works for them,
so have contacted them, to see if parts or new lights are still available
SOLD £1.25
SOLD £1.00
SOLD 69p
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