6th November 2022 - Life n Grimes of Mr Creature

Published on 7 November 2022 at 09:23

Hi Folks.

Firstly I owe Lynne an apology, as maybe I should not have said what I did on my "Life n Grimes".
I upset here greatly, something which I seem to not be able to stop myself doing :( :( 

But the upshot of it was very positive, a good long chat and then we drifted into some planning ideas for the back of the transit. 

I certainly felt better for the rest of the day and I hope Lynne did as well.

Yesterday was a good day on the job front, and was controlled by the post it notes on my screen (great little find) and seemed to work very well.

Altho I had so many post it notes some got covered over, and by the end of teh day, it did not look like I had done much.

I did have to take times out as my knees were in agony and I have run out of tramadol, whilst it does not kill the pain, they at least make it manageable.


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