7th January 2023 - Disco Transit Green Long Wheel base and Hi Roof Conversion

Published on 8 January 2023 at 09:18

Hi Folks.

Somewhat a late start, as I did not wake up till nearly 2pm!.

Today's jobs

1. Get Gay Gordon from Workshop.
2. Get A roll of insulation from the workshop.
3. Tidy and hoover up front 1/3rd of the transit, were we have been working.
4. Remove all the rubber mats for now.
5. Move some of the wood into the Green shed.
6. Measure bathroom/kitchen frame and mark out onto the 3mm ply sheet & Cut.
7. Start to make plans for the frame to sit porta loo on and cupboards.

And typically it is pissing it down, so a change of plans, as I still want to get things done today.


so 1st job of today, will be to have a huge clearup of the area we have been working in.

I am amazed at just how quickly the floor has dirtyfied!
Compared to the area were we have used the old floor tiles.

This is the worst area, as we have tried to keep the floor covered, from the wet as we walk into the van.. 

And of course, as I have been struggling to work, I have been sat down in one spot, so everything I need is close by...

but I soon have it looking a lot tidier. Now I just need the rain to stop, so we can get down to the workshop for Gay Gordon and a box or 2 of insulation. 
Not that we can put any insulation up today as the metal is too cold n damp.

Maybe later on when the radiator has had a chance to warm up the van, but we will see later on.

Lynne has come out to help, and we soon decide that we cannot cover the bathroom/kitchen wall frame, as there is just too much wood in the way.
As this was our main job today, it is very disappointing, but we cannot move the excess timber out to the green shed, till it stops raining!.

So again, our plan changes to accommodate the weather!

So we decide, that we will work on the portaloo positioning and frame work.

Using some off-cuts we start to get the ideal height for the porta loo to sit and were it is easy for me to get on and off.

and 2 1/2 inches higher is a good height, and I can get on & off very easy, so even on my worst days, this is one issue, I should not have to worry about.

We are finally happy, now to measure were the porta loo is sitting.

Not forgetting to allow extra measurement for the 3mm wall panels.

Do not worry, once we have the portaloo in place, we will remove it for a real good clean :) :) 

we remeasure 3 more times, to make sure we are as correct as we can be at this stage.

We sit n have a chat and decide to draw out the bathroom, to scale !

So Lynne gets busy working out a scale that will work for us, whilst I am taking all the measurements we need, to add to the drawing! 
It has stopped raining now, so we decide on a quick brew and 

So for the 2nd time in 2 days I am in the workshop,


This time for Gay Gordon, so we can have a nice clean environment to work,
But will Gay Gordon Sulk thru being rudely woken up after his long hiatus in sleep ??? 

And for some insulation sheets.

Lynne  has brought Gay Gordon to help us out in his temporary home :) :) 

And I bring up my mtr long steel ruler, as I feel it's gonna be of some help to us..

Lynne also brought up these insulation sheets and some part used rolls of silver insulation.

Both will be used in different places :) :) 

Michael has come out to give us a hand in moving some of the timber out of the van and into the sheds, as we need the space...

And will mean less for us to move tomorrow!.

MM i wonder, Gonna have a chat with Lynne before we move this sheet, as an idea has just come to me...

We decide we are gonna use this board for the bathroom/Kitchen wall, instead of using the new sheet.

Once I have trimmed it to fit the frame and screwed into place, then we will give it a sanding.

This board will be at least half height with fireproof tiles of some description.

And will save the new sheet we have for a more exposed area. 

Many thanks to Lynne and Michael, altho it does not look like much has been moved, we can now get the board out we want and maybe later on we will have 5 mins to have a good tidy up, which will show just how much room has been made.....

It will be great to be able to walk the length of the van again, especially as I need to look at the items at the back, 

The battery is starting to run low in my moby, but we are now gonna be working on the toilet plinth and frame.


Not having a straight line to work from, is proving problematic, so we decide to use the framework, we have been constructing, as we know that is in a straight line.

So Lynne starts to measure to get the outline for the portaloo frame.

But slowly and surely we get enough measurements, to try and see if the portaloo sits in the middle of the bathroom, but as far back as we can go.

We finally have all the measurements, and Lynne has drawn around the base of the portaloo.

So now we can start to cut n dry build the floor raising framework.

and we slowly begin to measure the timber frames and cut them about 1mm longer than we need,

and I use the cutting disc to remove any imperfections, that stop the framework butting 

squarely to each other.
Each joint will be glued n screwed together, so should not cause us any issues down the line..

We need the solar battery measurements for the charging from the engine and solar panels that will sit in the window screen, when parked up for the night.

I have to bare in mind, that there will be 2 solar systems, I am working as 2 separate systems for now, with a switch in place to switch over as one goes flat (or in these batteries case go below 40%) Something about making the batteries I have brought for this part of the system last longer..

3 batteries ordered, now to make sure we have enough room for them ??

This bottom part of the bulkhead sinks into the cab, and leaves us with a useless area.

But I am to make use of it for a battery storage area!.

we are allowing 3cm for insulation and a fireproof lining, if I can find something, that will do the job. 

So with that in mind we start to mark out were the framework will be screwed to the floor.

Once we have got the floor marked, we go back to working on the raised plinth for the portaloo ( Purely to make it easier for me to get on and off when I am at my worst).

It is proving to be very slow work, but as long as it is right, that is all that matters, we can always make up time elswhere!.

Now we are back to the battery area, as we need to finalise measurements, get the floor marked, as this side will be the edge of the plinth as well as the battery wall!

Altho we have scribbled out very basic plans, it is still hard to imagine, what this all will look like, so am working on faith....

But now we are working on both areas at once, as here the meet and will be joined together..

As I am struggling to get down, I am sat on the portaloo, and Lynne is kneeling of 4 or 5 old soft floor tiles and is doing all the measuring and test fitting for me.
This allows, me to concentrate on cutting the framework and working it all out in my mind.

As usual when we work together there is some banter and laughter, but also we talk about what we are doing, which allows us to opt for the best choice, often we combine both ideas....

It has gone 7pm, so before we go in for Tea, we change plans to start something else, but it is related to the Bathroom & Toilet Wall and needs to be in place with the kitchen slid up to it before we finish tomorrow! 

So we pull out the old side wall board, that we are now going to use to cover the frame with kitchen side!.

As I cannot grip the saw at the moment, I use the angle grinder with a cutting disc, but I am struggling to use even this.................

Ok it is not a straight cut, but as the roof is not straight and we have allowed about 5mm extra, we should be able to trim it into shape tomorrow.


It does slide in, part of the way, and it is bloody tight!

So as we get nearer the width we need after trimming parts away, so it roughly fist the vans side wall.

as you can see we are not that far away!.

But then we look from the other side and we have a lot of trimming yet to go.

As I am struggling to get any straight lines when I am cutting the timber, I do not want to touch the edge at all.

So all the work, will be done at the other end and we will trim the top down, so that it slides in easier, but as tight as possible.

In we slide the 3 ply and we measure up the cut lines, in easy stages as each obstruction of the side of the van, stops the 3 ply from sliding home.

That looks a lot closer, but still more trimming to go!

So back to the other end and measure up more cut lines.

I also measure the excess on the other end, and leave about 1cm, to give me some wriggle room.

And I keep trimming and putting it back against the frame, but it is now gone 9pm,

And I have nothing left in the tank, so I call it a day, unplug the extension and go to bed.......... 

All in all a lot better day progress wise that I could have dreamed, Luckily Lynne was with me most of the day and her input is the direct result we got as much as we did.

But tomorrow is another day and we get to hopefully finish what we have started today, or as far as we can, the small jobs I can manage myself whilst Lynne is at work.

Tomorrow we also have to remove everything not needed for teh roof repairs, and other work they will be doing for us...

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