8th July 2023 - Life n Grimes of Mr C

Published on 9 July 2023 at 12:04

Hi me.............. just noticed no updates for 6-7th June..


I have no memories of anything happening, in fact I woke up this morning thinking it was the 6th!.

Possibly 2 people coming round today, both to pay/collect disco items sold on ebay....

So first job today is to find 10 x 10mtr DMX leads and get details sent to prospective buyer.
After 3 hours sorting thru cables, I have given up and found 6, so messages the prospective buyer and await to see what he says.
Either way it will not be time wasted as just need to take pics and get them listed!.

Bit of a chill out now as dehydrated and very sweaty, fingers crossed I still hope to get outside on potter about on Vincent....

See Vincent's Album, for today's update.

Altho I have an early night, I am struggling to settle down and sleep!
Could this be down to the new Antidepressants ?

As I lye in bed, my mind is all over teh place, but we have to give them time to get into my body properly.



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