Hi Folks...... It is time to try n sort Vincent !!
A slight change in plans, due to the unexpected fuel pump leaking all over the place, we are hoping that that is the cause of all Vincent's troubles.
So with a bit of trepidation and hoping my health holds out, Lynne n me head down the garden.
luckily a while back we setup the gazebo over Vincent so we have a nice dry area to work under...
Double click on pics to enlarge them!.
Old and new Fuel pumps.
The old pump is NOT marked as to which pipe in in !
So I stop at this stage, just to double check the pipes, will be fitted in teh correct places.
The old fuel pump, with the wires for the sat nav power feeds added.
Again we stop and have a discussion about the sat nav, should we sell Vincent with it or without ???
we decide as I will not be owning another bike and CBRTIM has his own Sat Nav, that we will sell Vincent with the sat nav installed.
So we pull back some insulator and prep the sat nav wires, ready to be added to the new fuel pumps wiring.
So we slide the yellow covering, and make an incision in the red power feed wire.
ready for the sat nav's power lead.
Altho the 2 pumps have one slightly different wire colouring, we double check and what was the black wire on the old pump, is now the green & yellow wire on the new fuel pump.
The wires are attached and then we uses yellow insulating tape (same as the sleeve) to cover the wires and provide protection.
We remount the fuel pump connecting the fuel pipes at the same time and plug the wiring sockets together.
On goes the petrol tank and we fire up Vincent.
Took a bit of starting, but that I am presuming was down to the empty fuel pump.
But we soon have it fired up and ticking over.
The seat is bolted in place.
I am not well enough to take Vincent for a test ride today, But fingers crossed hopefully will be ok for tomorrow.
If this works and Vincent is running as he should, then just gotta hope that on the morning of Dave Jordan's funeral I will be well enough to ride.
Also if running as he should Lynne n me can start to wash n polish Vincent ready to sell next MArch/April.
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