8th September 2019 - House and Garden - Vincent's Green Shed Updates

Published on 31 October 2022 at 11:33

Another big Job is to empty the Green shed of Model Rail boxes,

that we put in here as no room at the inn for anymore  
But now the spare bedroom is free so they will be stored in there,

until we can get in the attic again and put them in there final home  

This corners stack of boxes has now gone  


And the side wall pile has gone  


This lot is for another day


As still got exterior work to do and to add more batons in the frame work


All the boxes on this side of the shed have gone as well 


This corners boxes has all gone  
Just need to put up some shelves at the back for Vincent's Spare Items,

So they can be moved from the floor  


Still gotta measure the handle bars against the existing door, But I know its not Big enough


So I expect to make more modifications to the front of the shed


Wiring was left in place by previous owner, altho not yet hooked up


and loads of Onduline


Screws that will need to be


cut flush with the timber

Norton Commando - Disk grinder with a cutin disk will make quick work of it

Stephen Osborn - Sure will   


To stop myself hurting my head banging into them !!


So Still work is ongoing, but has made a huge improvement today. 
Hopefully in the next week or so I can get Vincent in his Temporary home  

Managed to get 3 of the 4 jobs done today and considering how time consuming and effort required to lift often heaving boxes around am very pleased with myself.  

1. tidy up the Disco Room.
2. Go and collect more disco items from temp storage.
3. move model railway boxes from Green shed to spare bedroom.

4. Just missed my Gentle waddle up to the river bridge,

which I am gonna be re starting this next week on a daily basis if I can   

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