Hi me - Managed to get up for a few hours today
And for a while for once my brain was clear and I could concentrate on things.
Processed items SOLD from eBay, and now ready for postman.
and sat here and deleted some 10000 corrupt folders and files.
I nearly have one drive of recovered files/folders nearly cleared ( from a 4TB harddrive that went down) luckily the next 2 I have installed when I have rebooted the computer are a lot smaller, a 256GB & 2TB.
Still cannot get out of the door, so I cannot see what Lynne & Micheal have been doing in the garden.
Which also means I still have not replaced the broken indicators on Vincent yet, let alone take if for a test ride (just not well enough).
I am expecting an update from Matt about progress on the transits engine, hopefully all good news......
Had a buyer open up a case a week ago as the disco stage trusses I had sold him have not arrived.
Unknown to me parcel force had put there prices up, so I used Parcel2Go - never again!
Altho I had kept him updated as to what was happening, P2G did not keep the tracking website updated.
So I got onto P2G and asked them what was happening and got an update, which I put on the open case, with an eta of sat or monday.
Unknown to me he had asked ebay to step in and altho All the relavent info was there they awarded him a full refund, altho delivery date had NOT passed!!.
So back onto P2G helpdesk and asked them not to deliver the package and to return it to me!.
I just hope that the driver gets the message before they deliver it....
That started up the black dog again and I just gave into it and went back to bed!......
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