Hi Folks.....
Another great day yesterday, with plenty of progress achieved.
Now it is back to reality!
Lynne's back at school, so it is just me and my depression to fight and see who wins. ??
I have spent all morning Processing the Weekends SALES ( and still not finished, but I need a break.
So I decided to research and buy a few things, that will hopefully arrive next week.
we had a chat yesterday and we discussed the diesel heater and the hot water system.
It was decided that we will run 2 diesel heaters, so we have redundancy, as when I am away I will have no postal address, so ordering spares is gonna be hard. I can order the spares and when Lynne comes up and stays she can bring them with her.

So I have brought deisel heater, Unluckily for me the one I already have brought, I could not find a like for like :( :(
This turned out to be the nearest and after checking 99% of the parts are identical.
This heater will fit inside the kitchen cabinet, and hopefully the hot water elements and tank will fit beside it.
The other heater will hopefully be installed under the passenger seat.
I just need to buy the Y piece and some flu tubing, so it also can be linked up to the hot
water element.
This will give me redundancy, if one of them runs out of diesel or breaks down.
I have been following the feedback and watching vids on U-tube and just about everyone is saying buy spare :- fuel pump, Fuel Filter & a spare glow plug - So have to order them at some stage, for now I will add a sticky note to my monitor, so I do not forget .
Bobil Air Xchange
I was put onto this by several people who I have been speaking too.
They all swear buy them, and one of them brought a 2nd diesel heater just for this.
Which gave me the idea that I would also buy another heater and connect it all together and use the flap plate to determine which one will operate it - great redndancy idea....
Also brought a bit dearer than the price on there website, but then again, I did choose the top range of everything, but was only about

£25.00 more so I was happy with that.
There is also a £5.95 postage charge, which threw me a bit as there is no mention of that on the website and you only find out about it when you are filling out the invoice.
So I just did not make it in the transit today! :( :(
Hopefully that will turn out to be a good thing.
The day did not go to waste tho, I have done a lot of research for my conversion, gained some ideas that will hopefully save me money as the bank account this last week is hemorrhaging way to badly.
The wallet is now shut, and just hoping I have enough to cover the work that's the transit has been booked in for!!.
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