Good Morning folks.............
Am hoping for a good day today on the CBRTIM front.
Lets see how the day pans out !
Postie brought a selection of clear plastic bags, ready for when I strip down CBRTIM for all the bolts to be tagged and bagged, ready for final rebuild after painting.

On my own today, so gotta be extra careful!
So first job was to get laptop fired up and get Planet Rock playing, for company...
Not an easy job as it kept coming up fan issue and shutting down.
Took some 30 mins to resolve and now happily working....

Time to continue to hand sand the lower petrol tank down, after removing the spilt tank sealant the last time I was in the workshop...
Now down to 120 grit, looks rough but is nice n smooth.
so now ready for Prep work and paint.

But unfortunately still plenty of other jobs that for some reason that Kev did not finish, altho paid for...........
Now know what the redress writing is for!
at these points the tank is right on the frame rails!
so somehow gotta sort these areas out, But I do not know how much metal it there on teh pinch areas to work with...............
Also still gotta get to my pillar drill to drill the mount holes out for the sender unit mount bolts.
Again paid for, but not done !!!
Hopefully there are no more jobs to be completed on this lower petrol tank, even tho they have all been paid for !

I cant get the rear lower and upper engine mounts to line up !
The sump is on the workshop floor....

In a mad fit a while back, I threw out and burnt all the wood blocks from teh workshop to free up some room!
Oh to have them now...........................................
Time to sit n think

Time to head into the old brown shed and I find some suitable blocks.
From the workshop extension that I never completed, altho all the framework has been cut to size and joints cut all kindly done by Strawbs ages ago.

Altho a bit long, I do not want to cut them, due to the fact that I will need them when I get workshop extension built some time..
So I line them up and lift the front of the frame upwards and slide them under neath the foot board mounts.
Next thing I know I come to in agony in left knee with right knee not far behind, somehow I climb into my chair....

Altho engine mounts are closer, they still will not line up.
But am in to much pain now to continue......

So after a rest, I slowly hobble up to the house, unfortunately I am on my walking sticks and NOT my zimmer frame.
and after a rest downstairs make my way to bed...............
Sadly a shortend day and not as much done as I hoped.
Am hoping tomorrow my knees will be recovered enough ti get some more done on CBRTIM, but we will have to wait n see..................................
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you need to get some of your biker mates down to help you .you cant manage all that on your own ,your not well
Dave - Many thanks forr you comments .
Unfortuantly None will come and help, I have asked several times before, with no response or offers of help.
Paul Wizbat Watson has answered my call several times, to help with jobs on Vincent. But as he is self employed and really busy I am loathed to take advantage of him.
thats sad .wont anyone from bike disabillties thing help ??
No m8 - I stopped asking for help from anyone in 2019/20.
But NABD not set up that way, altho there are NABD members who have helped out in the past.