Front mudguard from a small factory custom, was the nearest to what I was looking for.
But it would still require a fair bit of cutting n chopping to get the front mudguard to sit right.

We have cut the mudguard in half.
And after several measurements made a frame up so we could make the mudguard even stronger

Start to add the sides to the new front mudguard frame.

Time to sort to top of the mudguard out and make it fit were and how we want it too..

More spot welding and the mudguard is starting to look what I had in my mind...

Time to finish the welding and sand the welds back to make it look nice n smooth..

it's starting to take real shape now and will be soon ready to be sent away to sprayers for prep work....

after fitting and removing the front mudguard several times it's ready for prepping.

overhead shot and looks real good.
Cant wait to see it all prepped and Sprayed.
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