Hi Me.... Another day wasted !!!
Spent a large chunk of today at Peterborough hospital with a flair up of agony from kidney stones, kidney's , incontinence issues.
It has been playing up for last few days, getting steadily worse n worse!.
Normally it would settle back down after a day or two, but not this time Urine is really thick and a horrible yellowy colour and so thick it is had to pass.
So drove myself to hospital, thank god for Disabled badge, as it allowed me to park right outside A&E doors......
Specialist did not want to see me, I suppose as they have refused to treat the issues, due to being to risky!.
After a battery of tests, heart rate and blood pressure back to normal , They allowed me home, with yet more bloody pills to take!.
They say they will contact me in about 2-3 days with urine tests results, so once again it is a waiting game....
When I got home, went to lay down and promptly fell asleep for several hours, A nice deep sleep.
Obviously this meant another day lost on the conversion!
Fingers crossed tomorrow, maybe able to tackle some light jobs.
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