3rd January 2024 - Life n Grimes of Mr C

Not a good night after they refused to let me go home.

Had a nightmare that I have not had for 5-6 years. Of when we found Timothy in the ditch and how helpless I felt, not being able to help him.

Just  after I woke up and was sitting in me chair waiting before breakfast.
One of the ward drs (or whatever) told me that I had tested positive for covid!

Just seems one bit of bad news after another!.

And he did not even bring me a hot chocolate to help me take in the news !!

Phoned Lynne and informed her that she & Michael need to be tested, as well as Zoe & Emma's family for covid.
The shock on her face almost broke me................


At least the reason I am here for, is continues to improve

Now been moved to a side ward.

Surprised to see wards passageways full with people in beds.

Fingers crossed now they emptied and finish cleaning the ward I was on 5 of those stranded in passage ways

Now just waiting on urologist, altho the drs on ward thinks he will still refuse to operate, meaning the kidneys will get even more damaged !!!

Had a 2 hour long chat with a different urologist who has agreed to do the operation.

We discussed pros and cons and we have come up with 2 plans.

Operate today using needle injection, but where he wants to place the anaesthetic, but that is right in the middle of the damaged spine.

The second option is be put under, but when he explained the risks, with my current issues at best I would be in if I in a coma for an unknown length of time, at worse things don't go to plan and I pass on the operating table, at worse!.

He went away to make icu aware of the plans.

Unfortuently a bed could not be reserved, and that made the 2 choices we had made down to one!

I AM GOING HOME for a short while at least.

I phone up Lynne and Michael drives Lynne to hospital and 15 mins later we are in the transit heading home!. 

I am very tired after driving transit home, which brings back the chat I had about driving and living alone in transit being a no go !!

So now  to rest and take the meds hoping that in a couple weeks, I am stronger. and in a better place for the operation!.


Comments left on Facebook post today:-

Karl Roberts

At least there is a plan for a way forward now.

Colin Santa Farrell

Difficult decision, but whatever you decide I hope it goes well.

Ja Vig


Ja Vig

And you got this shit bro. Solid. Things can’t stay the same forever right.

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