4th January 2024 - Life n Grimes of Mr C

1st day back home and gonna take things real easy today, altho even sat at my computer I soon found my heart racing and my lungs struggle to breathe!

1. Answered emalls and private messages

2. added 31st December 2023 - Life n Grimes of Mr C
3. added 1st January 2024 - Life n Grimes of Mr C


started to research incontinence pads I was using in hospital.
Ordered 4 packs online, when Lynne finds my phone will contact surgery to see how much longer i have to wait to see the incontinence team, as we cannot afford to keep buying.


Altho sitting at my computer is supposed to be a rest time for me my heart n lungs are says I need to lay down,

something I really do not want to do.
But i decide to listen to my body.


phoned drs yet again to see if  Dr had contacted has informed incontinence team that we were supposed to see.
surgery no longer has any support for incontinence.
so looks like have to start again, see dr and hope he refurs me this time. now just gotta wait again.


contacted peterboro museum to book there only disabled vehicle park, but had to leave message.


Phoned the number the receptionist at surgury gave me and it was physio team to trying to arrange to come and see me, 40 mins on the phone, explained whats happening and
now just got to wait n see if they want to see me or because of going back into hospital in a few week time, they want to postpone till afterwards.


Most of the evening was taken up by us trying to fill an online pre-op  form that wanted information was back to the 80s !!

We answered what we could, altho some information was very vague and some questions we did not really  send...

The funniest question on the form ! " Were you Born Male or Female ?"

As hard as we tried all 3 of us was laughing at that one!! as if there are more than 2 sexes!!!

Am shattered, time for a early night


Another long phone call, this time to our bank, for a loan as our bathroom n toilet roof is like a a group cold shower!

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