4th September 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.

So today's the day that will decide how Lynne n me are going to make some major changes in our lives as we adjust to my ever worsening health!.

So we have slept in ! not a good start for us.

so a quick breakfast and we are on Vincent and heading to the Wozwolf rally for a few hours :) :)

A very nice ride down some loverly roads and up some steep hills which Vincent coped with better than we could hope :) :)

And we are soon on campsite.

We sign in and meet up not only with many friends but some new club members (to us) as well :) :)

So after we have caught up, They kindly looked after our helmets and my coat and we slowly made our way to the main arena.

Took us a while as we kept stopping to catch up with friends we have not seen in too long,

Our first stop was at Pigasso Stall to see Hiedi and Dad and for me to sit down and rest.

We were soon catching up and arranged to speak with Hiedi later on about CBRTIM's Petrol Tank :) :)

Another wander saw us catch up with Vic at the NABD stall and another sit down rest and catch up ensued :) :)

Then its time to see the bikes in the bike show and grab a burger lunch. I can not remember the food stalls name but what a rally burger not only large but very nice and filling and very nice people as well.

All for a bloody good price as well :) :)

But it's getting too much, Lynne said later I was getting more n more unsteady so we headed to wards rally control and rested for a fair while before I felt upto riding Vincent.

Sadly its time to go ! out penciled in 2 hour visit turned into some 6 hours of enjoyment but it clearly showed my limitations.

Also being with real friends they did not keep pestering me if I was ok, but then we knew they would not either.

Getting started on Vincent was a chore and I was starting to wonder if we ought to catch a taxi and come back tomorrow to pick the bike up, but Russ helped us reverse Vincent and we are on our way back to Alfreton for the night.

After a few mins riding felt great again the pain had gone and Altho Lynne n mee to a large detour to the travelodge, we had a good chat as we were enjoying the views and riding back to the hotel.

It wasn't too long before Vincent was chained up by the entrance (Under there cameras) eventually we had some dinner and we retired to our room and discussed the weekend and how it's affected me and some answers just seemed to be resolved and choices made !

We still had to talk to a couple of people who are integral to our Disco, to finalize things but we hope to get that sorted in the next week or 2.

Not a sign of the black dog today and Lynne and me are very happy and too be honest it was a huge weight not to be carrying that on my shoulders this weekend! after all my leather jacket is more that bloody heavy enough to do that on its own :) :)

Starting with a catch up n chat with Our friend and main roadie Steve Ayres at Old Nicks on Wed Nite :) :)

and once again I must have dropped of to sleep.

But tonight is a restless painful sleep often interrupted as my body protests at what we have been doing today............