6th September 2021 - Life n Grimes of Mr C.
Hello Folks.
The Black Dog is back !
Such a shame after a superb weekend were he did not get a look in !
But Lynne and me, with some comments from friends on FB.
We have decided that I have no choice but to go back on the antidepressants !
It's not by choice but as Lynne has pointed out after a period of good times after stopping taking them, this last month has seen me pretty much suffering daily with the Black Dog and its getting worse.
I am now at the stage were I can not fight it any longer !
But will have to whilst we wait on prescription being processed hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday.
We will be starting with a low dosage and see how we go from there.
Huge thanks to everyone who has helped me since I stopped taking the antidepressants ! I feel like I have let everyone down and most of all Lynne and myself.
But we see no other way at this point.....