6th August 2022 - Life n Grimes

Published on 8 August 2022 at 06:54

Morning folks.

As usual - health is getting in the way, slowing things down to a crawl and having to take lots of rest breaks!.

But today my target is to clean and service the PSU.

Normally i would not bother, and just replace it, but after looking at the price of new psu's and not having much funds, its strip it down and clean and hope for the best.

I know there is not a long wrong with this PSU, so its just a good clean with compressed air and hope the fan is ok.


Off comes the lid and what a mess, it's amazing the psu did not over heat.!


So far its taken a full can of compressed air to get the psu this clean!


Finally the PSU is as clean as I can get it, but weverytime i look at it i find more dust. that uses another can of compressed air..

The fan turns freely

but the bearings seem a bit loose. will have to try it and see what happens.


Time to start reasembly of my computer.....

Case has had a real good clean and looks far better..


it takes a while as there is not a lot of space to refit the psu,

so patience is the word and a lit of wriggling..


and finally in goes the psu and is screwed in place.

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