29th August 2022 - Various Hobbies - Computer

Published on 30 August 2022 at 05:26

Good Morning Folks.

I am still not very steady on my legs, so as most of the parts have arrived for my computer, I thought it would be a great way to pass the day away productively.

I have spent most of today working on rebuilding my computer, with several rest periods in bed, when the pain got too much or my eyes started to blur...

As my computer currently sits at my side and on top of an old computer case.
I would make use of easy access and that I will not have to lift my computer far..

So first job is to remove all the cables, ready to do any work or to lift the computer onto my desk if I need to......

Have unplugged our printer and moved it to a safe place in the computer room.

Have unplugged all the power supply cables.

and moved them out of the way.

Also removed all the screws and the power supply is ready to be removed from the case..

That's the power supply removed and on my computer desk, 



and removed the screws and put the lid in a safe place.

Time to unscrew the faulty fan.

Remove the cable tie and unplug the old noisy fan.

The old fan.

I will be keeping for a usable spare.

as it works fine, it is just noisy!

I unwrap the new fan, and make sure they are identical.

I remove the old power cables
and install the new fan.

Replaced the lid to the power supply, ready to be put back in the computer case.

Love the new fan look, altho it will be hidden away when I put the computer back in it's home...

Started the computer up to make sure fan is working.

But its DEAD!

So out comes the power supply again and put the old fan back in the power supply for now.

I have sourced another new PSU fan on eBay.

Found 4 new ones for same price as I paid for the New fan that did not work.
Should be here by Saturday.....

I will tie up all the cables, once I have replaced the power supply fan.

But I will replace the cheap power cables for much better quality ones.


and as a nice bonus the new power cables will help to allow the air to circulate better inside the computer case..

The top Hard drive threw a imminent HDD failure message, after I reinstalled these 3 Hard drives and there cage.

So I have a brand new 4TB Hard drive just waiting to be installed.

I have tested the Toshiba Hard drive, but it cleared the error message and is now working 100%.

But I will not be taking any chances, I have left the computer switched on for last 3 days with a file copying files too it and then deleting them, but no error message.


So it will end up on eBay shortly..

Time to open the new hard drive.

Have removed this hard drive and replaced it with the new one.

In goes the new 4TB hard drive and the new better quality power lead.

In goes the Hard drives in there cage into the computer case...

View from the front, shows up some more fluff.
The paint brush is in the living room and I will get it next time I head in there.

I have moved the Graphics card up a slot, which hopefully will allow for cooler running .....
But still a lot more to add into the case, before I can put the panels back in place.

New fan added.
there are 5 hard drives that sit in front of this fan.
I have switched the red n black leads around as I want the fan to suck air out across the hard drives.
I have removed the hard drives and given them a good dusting.

I have replaced the old cheaper power leads with this better quality one.
Not only do I get smoother air flow, but a lot less cables :) :) 

and in goes the hard drives and there cage and all screwed up.

There is in this cage

1 x 3TB Harddrive
4 x SSD's all 1TB each.

Test fit for the SATA 3.0 - 10 port PCI-E expansion card.

So far have only connected 6 of the SATA leads up, as I do not want them getting in the way.

And fired up the computer, took a few reboots but then Ubuntu settled down and everything runs as it should.

A good day with a good session working on the computer. Just like everything else I do these days it always takes so much longer to do.

On the plus side working on computers relaxes me, so the extra time rarely get's noticed. :) :)  

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