10th October 2010 - Kurgan - Suzuki GS1000E - Custom

Published on 26 December 2022 at 19:56

Hi Folks....

Right not sure how things are gonna go today,

so no plans and we will see how me back copes.


Thats the clocks mounting plate tightened up. I decided when I was putting Kurgan together, that I wanted to keep these as standard.
on goes the left headlamp shell clamp
on goes the right headlamp shell clamp
in goes the headlamp shell with the looms from the clocks unit
now altho the front brakes have always been good, ive notice this year that the front brakes just aint been as good as last year. The disc surface on the back is flush, but the front is like the hymalais and all over the place.
you can see the problem on the right pad
theres always one bolt that refuses to budge and the head was rounded off enough that i could not get a good fit with the spanner. So of the capiler comes from the mounting bolts instead :)
thats the front brake assemble off in one piece. Now I know the braided pipes wont be long enough as the replacement front end is either 4 or 6" overs
the pads are nice n free
the calipers, look as if a good clean and can re-use
On goes the Kugans front mudguard, not sure if this is gonna be strong enough with the longer front end, but we will see.
Thats good Kurgans axle is the right size n length
off comes the old discs
heres a pair that I was given last year :)
the calipers, look as if a good clean and can re-use
and then the other. They make the wheel look dirty so will give it a wash possibly when ive finished the refurb!
and all bolted in - just thought didnt check to see if the rotation is teh correct way - will do taht later :)
looking a lot better :)
lovely slim front end :) and Kurgan is back on his wheels.
looks nice from this angle too .... right having a break as me backs just starting to twitch - hopefully will get back out again.
on goes the speedo cable
on goes a very much cleaned up caliper holder
Kurgans old pads and caliper
right side pads
Kurgans old pads and caliper
Just when things look as if there going extreemly smoothly and...............................
the pipes are to short !, bummer thats gonna hold things up a lot. Time to pack up today been down the shed for some 8 hours which is far longer than I expected to be able to do, but have not got as much done in that time as I would have hoped. So tomor

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