15th September 2022 - Life n Grimes
Morning Folks.Today finds me in a bit better place within myself, even tho I know Lynne will not agree at this stage.But hopefully if she starts to show some positive interest in me once again, that will also change as I hope we can start to work together again, which always in the past has lead us to talking more..............This morning I rested doing some work on the website, to give my knees a better chance of allowing me to get back down the workshop after lunch.But I will be extra careful and try n put a lot of thought before I move around Tim, not an easy feet when concentration is extremely hard to maintain for more that a few mins at a time and I have to fight to refill the black hole of nothingness once again.So it means I have no choice, I fave to sit n rest a lot and try my best to refocus, at the expense of getting things done.