17th January 2011 - Kurgan - Suzuki GS1000E - Custom

Published on 28 December 2022 at 15:26

Hi folks....

After a few busy days doing other things, we are back in the workshop, trying to get Kurgan back on the road... 


Today was about trying to match the exhaust up to the bike. STD exhausts just never seem to bolt straight into modified frames, So I expected to spend a few hours getting it right.
Luckily for me pipes join collector box are spring held so should hopefully come apart easily.
this was the bodge to get the last exhaust to fit - altho its been there since Kurgans been back on the road, 2 up the mount did grind on teh road to easily.
Took me nearly 2 hours and braving the brown shed ( see pics in another album) as I still have not even looked at it and its just pilled up 🙁 but eventually found an allen key to fit.
out comes downpipe 1 and it comes apart very easily.
Bummer gonna need that temp bodge from 3 years ago again ! but this time I use a bolt
And this is the reason why ! without the temp bodge plate teh exhaust fowls the forward controls.
thats cyls 3 & 4 exhaust pipes in place - no gaskets yet and just loose fitting so I can move things around and get teh exhaust mounte din its best position.
Just remembered teh rear brake pads are at there limit, but the nipples are seized solid. so instead of trying to sort on the bike - I have a spare caliper with newish pads.
Off comes the torgue arm (still some copper eaze there and it reminds me to look for the copper eaze can
and of comes the bolts that holds it to the caliper mount. I have loosend the brake hose bolt for easy removal
Im fed up with sitting on the floor so decide its time to sit on me stool. Whilst looking for the Allen Key for the exhaust I found a part used pack of cable ties - so nows as good as time as any to tidy up the cables on the right side of the handle bars.
and the top end of the left side
and all done - looks a lot better now.
feed the Kliktronic cable thru with the other cables
and use the gromet to stop chaffing - need a bit o silicon sealant to hold the gromet in. thats it today - the colds getting on my chest and dont wanna end up struggling again. hopefully more tomorrow

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