21st August 2011 - Garden Clear up!

Published on 5 January 2023 at 03:54

Hi Folks.

Mrs C has said I have to do something about the garden!

so who am I to say No ??

It has come down from High that this pile of fencing slats n 3 x 2 has to be moved ! So today is the unlucky day
Yep its a family affair, well almost As the Workshop has developed a slight lean - probally down to using 2 x2 as a basic framework, I decided that to move the wood to the side would be benificial. So whilst Mrs C, Micky and myself have a major cleanup
Micky n Tim started the long process of breaking down the woodpile as I made a basic frame to sit it all on !
A few hours later and the wood pile is dismantled. We are not sure what we now gonna do were the wood pile was - as the slabs were laid to sit the transit on when we had rear access. I wanna concrete it But Mrs C wants it grassed ?
Now I dont use this side door - in fact you cant as it has a pile of 3/2" *x6FT leaning against it ! So we sit the frame on bricks and start the long process of re stacking the Fence slats.
What seemed like several hours later all the fence slats and most of the 3x2 posts are now in there new home. Bloody good job as we were all bloody knackered by now.
MMMMMMMM that lawn hasnt been cut in a few months - maybe tomorrow 🙂 Mrs C removes the last bits of wood from the old stock pile area.
Tim is stall sorting the 3x2 posts out - I am hoping we get this moved as Kurgan is stuck till we do !
Thats the woodpile covered up - and everyone seems happy that it cant be seen now.
The old blue plastic sheet was just to far gone so in a bin liner it goes - will keep the dustbin men in a job 🙂 Altho there are 3 heavy bin liners full of earth with broken glass inside for them to take on Thursday 🙂
Thats it apart from a good sweep up its all done and we all agree that bath and a takeaway is in order !

Now I have a turn around area next to the Brown shed, I am hoping to get in there this week and finally make enough room to get Kurgan in there as its pernament home.

If This happens that will make space in the big blue shed to move the donor CBR1000 to the front - and hopefully allow me to move the stuff at the bottom of the shed and finally get it boarded up.

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