21st October 2022 - Life n Grimes of Mr Creature

Good Morning Folks.Yet another multi update once again.There has been some tidying up on the website behind the scenes, with some pics and Text added to a few existing Albums, as I re-find information, when going thru my hard drives.as can be seen from previous "Life n Grimes" things have been going pretty well on the mental side of things.Until the other day, when things happened and sent me back to were I was a few weeks ago!.We know how it happened, we just have to adjust our lives to make sure it does not happen again, and that is the hard part, especially when changes are so hard to make, mainly because you are entrenched in your ways.Not being helped by some very vivid nightmares, every time I go to sleep ! :( :( I do not know if I should talk about them or just write them down,

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