23rd November 2022 - House and Garden Update - Computer Room

Published on 24 November 2022 at 00:42

Hi Folks.

Today I am gonna be having pretty much a day away from the computer! (well except when on rest periods).

But I need to do some major sorting and tidying up !
The Ottoman is nearly full up :) :) 
The listing box is over flowing, and I have no where left to store items I have listed!


Listing Box over full and nowhere to put the listed items !!
So Today's main focus, will be on clearing this area
Somehow ? - It's probally gonn atake me all day in spurts and maybe even tomorrow, but I cannot put it of any longer !!
1st Box and items on top it it all gone now :) :)
And it is imediately put to use, as I remove the over spill from the listing box! - and put them into this empty box and sit it on top of the original listing box.
Onto the next box, and stuff on top of it! - I may have a use for that big bag :) :)
Another box empty :) :) - so far it's a split of items, I had lost, some to keep , some to sell and some for the trash bag :) :)
This bag is full of packaging !
This box, I can repair and use it for small light items, that I have listed and there is a lot more to come.
Remember that empty bag ? - it will be used for more packaging :) :) .jpg
This folder was full of stuff left over from the old battle axes documents (so called mother) most went straight in the trash bag.
Backs starting to really hurt again, so time to think about resting.
A rubbish bag is filled up and ready to go outside.
and underneath found thi slot! not been listed for over 3 years ??? - I will rectify that shortly...
with the cd's I have so far test played, I have some hanging sleeves that we no longer need, so these 20 will be on ebay later on
Right back to the corner I started earlier, This is the last box, some items to be kept, most will be listed and a fair amount went straight in the bin.
I am hoping in the bag, is the other 2 Kam Truss T- pieces as they are already listed, and I want to make use of them until they sell. Also there are 4 corners as well, that when I find them all can be listed
This messy pile all will be listed later
Ok the pile on top of my chair has grown somewhat, but once I have teh corner cleared out, it will go back down rapidly :) :)

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