24th December 2022 - Life n Grimes of Mr Creature
Hi me.Woke up still in the grips of the Black Dog!But on the other hand still determined to see if I can match yesterday's effort's.Whilst I am able to fight I will, it is certainly better than just giving in to it.That's not to say it does not win, like last night by about 6pm, i could feel myself loosing control over my emotions and with young Timmy here, I just went to bed out of the way, so as not to spoil his time with us.My back still is not 100% warm or pain free, so will again be taking it very easy and slowly, and if that allows me to do things most day's then I will be happy with that.Yesterdays updates on the Transit Conversion, was a bit of roller coaster of emotions, as at times found things, I did not know about and gonna cost more money to sort, but I tried to fight the downward feelings with ah well, at least I did not insulate and cover it all in Summer!! It was kinda nice but depressing to start sorting and adding some older Albums yesterday, but the lack of memory tarnished it somewhat!.Am I ever gonna remember these events or are they just gonna remain as pictures a few of them with me in that mean nothing ???After Lunch Lynne, Emma, Michael & Timmy, went round to see Zoe & Karl. I know that I am not in a good place to see people, and if I went I would probably loose the plot as there is no where I can run to! :( :( which is not fair to any of them, so I staid at home and pottered about in the transit and processed some items Sold & Paid for from Ebay sales. Less for me to do if I do them as they come in after I am sat in front of my computer, and to know they are ready for the postman on the 28th takes some of the stress away from me...I was hoping to see Val & Donald before xmas, but unfortunately that is not gonna happen, A great shame I miss them and the way that they can get thru to me, without me flying off the handle.I would dearly love to go n see Ross n Sally at Old Nicks on New Years Eve, but I do not think things would have improved enough, to not only deal with my friends, but the drive as well.Right let's see what I can get done today ???