27th April 2011 - Start of my Computer Room Tidy Up!

Published on 29 December 2022 at 02:46

yep it's long over due!

I have some spare time (well not really, but something has to be done about it)
Plus Lynne is dropping hints about boxes of MAGS4NADB that have been donated being stored in te living room & her kitchen...


After getting mega pissed off at another fucking Ebayer who cant read an auction listing properly, I have decided to make a start on tidying up my computer room. Now after a winter of discontent making up wires n stuff for the disco, Mags arriving and my
Right this is the corner of the room, that has a lot of magazines dumped and the Any Spare Change Rally Boxes. I decide if I can provide some shelving for the mags - then hopefully I can get those currently listed on Ebay seperated and start to get the r
So into the disco room and I find a dexion shelving pack, that I have not yet used. Altho I do need it for the Disco room, the Comp Room is taking Priority Took me over a bloody hour to get it all put together were i wanted the shelves to be only to find
this is another corner all the mags and the boxes are full of BSH mags, all waiting for me to sort out and scan in and list. Will probually try making up year sets and list em like that as I have so many
More piles of mags waiting for me to sort ! Altho the 2 folders are the ticket folders from the Any Spare Change Rally, just waiting for me to tally up with the spread sheet and add email addys and addresses to relevent listings on teh spread sheet ready
Another mixed box of mags & some car fix it manuals
Loads more mags mixed amongst all this ! - The shelving has collapsed in places so will have to start from teh top at some stage. and then I can sort it all out. I would like to reuse this space for the storage of the Any Spare Change Rally stuff.
The Top shelf - Yep those folders are mainly full up ready for me to seperate, I know a few people asked me about binders just gotta remember who !. Time for a cuppa now I think and I may do soem more later
Right its a couple of hours later and space - I can even see the gross carpet ! have sorted a lot more mags out and stacked in there repsective piles on the shelving, which has freed up a lot of floor space. The rally boxes I have moved onto the fire He

Original Comments left on Facebook.

Pic.1 - 

Louisa Howard
looks like it needs it there's a cat lost in there lol

Alan Viggers

u sure thats not road kill

Stephen Osborn

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Lesley Curtis

Have Kim and Aggie called yet? lol
Stephen Osborn
no - could do with them - but then again maybe not !


Pic.3 - 

Helen Elsie Horton

looks a lot betta xx
Stephen Osborn
Cheers Helen - Hopefully will look even more better later today
Helen Elsie Horton
im sure it will bab xx just takes time xx its fiff if u want to bin all the mags but wen u want to keep n sort it takes time bab xx
Stephen Osborn
Why would I want to bin them, they are making money for N.A.B.D
Helen Elsie Horton



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