28th November 2022 - Life n Grimes of Mr Creature

Good Morning Folks.I got up extra early today, as the cat was pestering Lynne and would not let here sleep, so It's 3am and I am sat here, with a pint mug of Hot Chocolate, Sorting thru more stuff and listing them ready to start on Saturday.With company the cat soon settles down, and we are thinking he is picking up on my mood swings ETC. As he settled down on the Ottoman behind me and fell to sleep...So as I have the postie coming sometime this morning to collect the 11 packages of SOLD items, I am gonna have to pace myself to stay awake.So I mix in some games of 3 decks or Spider card games, and settled down, to get things done at a steady pace, with some cds playing in my headphones, as I test out the next batch of cds that I will be listing this week.They are  aright mix at the moment, with Most of my Rock cd's still to come, when I get to that cd box. My mind is once again all over the place, and am struggling to focus on anyone thing for more that 5-10 mins at a time, so I let my Jobs go the same way, If nothing else the getting up n sitting down will up my daily step count.Talking about step counts ! - For the last few my normal step count (unless I am at Hospital or such) is less than 200.I have noticed that since our chat and my peacefulness my step counts for the last week have been averaging around the 400 - 450 Marks for the last week.Still not good, but slowly heading the right way.I am hoping by the time I am ready to drive to Scotland to be up around the 2000 plus steps per day :) :) I join Lynne n Michael with a cuppa when they get up and after Michael has taken Lynne to work, I move the settee and set about cleaning the wooden wall ready for paint ( See - November 2022 - House and Garden Update - Living Room )The Postie arrives just after 11am, and after we have our usual chat I went n laid down for a while and promptly fell asleep. !Next thing I know it's gone 4pm the Living Room is a mess, and Michael will be fetching Lynne home soon!, So a Burst of activity gets the living room looking almost presentable, before Lynne get's home.She likes the paint on the wall, even tho I said it is only the first coat, and still have the bottom to paint. But she seems happy, That is all that matters 2 me.This afternoon SOLD few more items and as they were paid for, processed them ready for Postie tomorrow morning.I was in a lot of pain and not very sociable tonight, so went to bed, to sleep the pain away.All in all another goodish day, more things done again, after sliding backwards at end of last week!. 

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