Hi Folks.
Another good day on the listing front today. Maybe not as many items listed, but certainly had a good day sorting thru the boxes and have a pile on my desk and beside me, all waiting to be be tested, checked over before I can list them :) :)
The Computer room, still looks a real mess, and altho items are going out the door, it has yet to really show in the Computer Room!....
There are more details about items SOLD "in the Items SOLD" "In the Trip To Scotland 2013 Album"
To answer a few messages for some people who are not to good at using ebay and how to find my listings.
Top right hand corner next to the search Button,
Click on "Advanced"
Go down to sellers only and tick the option,
Type in "dejavuroadshow"
and it will open a window in ebay with the menu of my listings.
You can either browse them all, or if you like to browse just certain listings.
on the left on the screen you will see the directory structure with the breakdown of what items I have listed, that you can then browse thru.
Remember tho - The Listings below will only appear after they go live.
(You can find the times each item starts by hovering over the pic below,
and it will show you the date and time the listing starts.
Right lets get on with today's items found and have listings created all to start on Today.
Below are Disco Related Items Listed on Ebay, that will Start on the Saturday 3rd December.

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