2nd December 2022 - House and Garden Update - Computer Room

Hi Folks.Backs still not much better, so it is back in the Computer room once again, to continue mainly listing items that have backed up on me, and hopefully some gentle taking it easy sorting thru the Listing boxes to put the listed items in there final home, till they sell.My computer desk, remains relatively clear as I was putting the new fans onto Timothy's Graphics Card until my back started to play up, but I have all day, and Timothy's computer is working fine with Michael's old graphics card installed, Altho I thing a few of the games he likes to play won't work, so I hope to have it all sorted later today.As the fall stopped any progress yesterday, I was disappointed at just how little I had achieved, but there is not much you can do about it when ya drugged up an din bed and the pain is still very uncomfortable.So today, I am hoping for better progress, but will only be working on those that are very light, and do not require me to move much...     

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