2nd February 2011 - Kurgan - Suzuki GS1000E - Custom

Published on 29 December 2022 at 01:39

Hi Folks...

Back in the workshop and pottering around Kurgan again.....

Anne McGarrie

You have been a busy boy


Stephen Osborn
not busy enough Anne the plan was to fire Kurgan up today - I dont think i am any closer to that target
on go the crocadile clips for the battery charger.
thats one ig coil the right way round, as I got it teh wrong way so teh leads wouldnt reach - 🙂 and connected to plugs 🙂
the ig coils are connected and taped up. on the top tube
with the black n white joining together with the points wires under the seat
couple of loose cable ties too keep them outa the way
right handle bar switch wire fed thru and conected behind frame plates at headstock
time to make a start on finding out what these wires do ?
these are in the headlamp shell - nothing wanna conects together 🙁
thats the ignition switch wired up and wires taped up
look at old clocks wireing - ahh that explains some of it - no std wireing block
this is the idiot lights that fit in the std clocks removed from my old set.
so now gonna take the replacements apart - the plan is to rebuild them. but the set i will put on ebay will have the std suzuki blocks on them 🙂 so of comes the speedo cable
only 2 nuts holding the chrome cover on 🙁
1mmm the gear ind light unit mount is broke. Not that its wired up on Kurgan. I have all the bits just never seem to get around to it.
now with all the std clock wires removed from the headlamp.
that looks better an dremove dteh faulty rev counter unit
and replace with the other one !
at the front at least it looks good 🙂, so now to put them down and make a start on the wireing for it.
thats it roughly in place were the clocks will go
and in the headlamp shell. Unfortuantly had to stop here and spend the next 3 hours unblocking overflowing sesepit drain, which had backed up all the way to the house - no mean feet as i gotta a bloody long garden.! eventually got it all unblocked but n

Pic.2 - Original comments



Christopher Boyce
old school then !! what year 79-80 ?


Stephen Newell
jesus you said your eye sight was bad must be to much time on modern bikes lost the routes lol


Christopher Boyce
hello Steve, lost my specs earlier today lol so what's different on the 750 the end caps on the cams ?


Christopher Boyce
think i need to start working on a few of my old bikes that would sort me out lol



Stephen Osborn
modern bikes - this has been the most modern bike ive ever owned - well except the cbr1000 that i was given that waiting my administrations


Stephen Newell
long need to be done



Christopher Boyce
might get my matchless g12 csr finished this year or might sell all the brit bikes and buy a new fangaled mt-01sp lol.


Stephen Newell
cbr 1000 most modern bike i owned bostin bike could not live with it to it sold it


Stephen Osborn
the cbr is far from standard - and is amongst my pics with its own folder



Last Pic - original posts


Glyn Kingo Griffiths
Your doing a great job mate but as you keep telling me dont go over doing it


Stephen Osborn
hahahahaha ya old reprobate - hope you are feeling better


James Cushen
mick is that the dose clinic



John Wade
nice to c it all coming together,dont over do it,itll all happen soon


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