1st November 2022 - Life n Grimes of Mr Creature

Good Morning Folks!.We are back :) :) Well sort of. I have found 2 items that caused the issues, but more about that later!.Lets just say I have a very basic computer in some areas, but it works for now, and hopefully the rest will follow....As many of you know I am some 3 days or so behind. and have not been able to keep the website updated!, I did think about making this update a combined one, but the thought scared the shit out of me, in fact I could have done this yesterday, but was too scared that I hid in my bedroom and just slept when I was not trying to resolve the problems I have.There is a lot to get thru, and this update is not designed for that, so most of the updates will be in "Various Hobbies -2022  My Computer updates that will be

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