31st October 2022 - Various Hobbies - Computer

Published on 4 November 2022 at 10:42

Good Evening Folks.
Could not settle down, so came into our computer room,

to see what I could do with my computer!.

What started out as more researching the issues, I am having, I got board so I decided to see how much I could get done on putting the Computer back together again.
I know I will not finish it, as I like to keep minimal hard drives connected up,

whilst I am trying to recover as much as possible.
Also I will be checking each harddrive, to see if I can find missing photo's and the R-Studio install file as I have found the licence from 2017.

They will only give me $12.00 of the price of buying the latest version, But as they have stopped answering my messages, sod them, I will keep our hard earned money if at all possible.

Right lets move on and see what happens :) :) 


My next job, now thi sunit is removed from my compter, is to try n remember were everything goes.
It is in a need of a good clean, but that is the last thing on my mind at this time..
Went to re install the unit, but then remembered ?
That ataching these sata cables was a nightmare and impossible to do when installed in the case
All cables attachhed and then a brainwave hits me!
The nice mains cables I use, that are designed to allow better airflow, have 4 conecters on and if I position the DVD & DVDRW closer teh cable might reach, meaning a nice snug fit.
I unplug these harddrives, to allow me better access, into my computers heart.
and the only SSD currently installed as it has most of the important info and drives etc i need after a re-install of Ubuntu.
img_20221031Now I move the DVDRW to under the DVD and all 4 mains cables fit, snugly. There is some slck, that will be sorted when I cable tie away later on._165517.jpg
I have re-found this bezel, which I thought I had lost.
Time for a test :) :)
I had forgotten to connect the SATA cables ??
and I fire up the computer again, The top error I know about and have been researching it for several days now, but the bottom one is new! Little did I know what was about to happen!!!
I have had to remove this unit again as some of the wire/sockets do not match ? shame as it was all connected up before..
Found this online :) :) The manual for the media dashboard
Everything seems to be ok until I try to connect the power sockets together!
USB 3 plug fits in it's socket, there is another one further down the motherboard, but the cable is not long enough.
Rummage time! and find a few conectors that may help. I do not really want to use this type, but may have no choice..
But after re-finding the manual, it is correct, I also check the website and it shows it as correct so who am i to disbelieve !! I also repair the red cable.
Anyone notice, what's wrong here ? Yellow power cable to Black ???
Another error pops up it's ugly head !
I remove teh bevel again, so I can remove the top unit again!
At odd moments, I keep looking around for one of these ??
So Far can find every size fan, except for the one I want !
So if you see one, please send me a link

Right I am falling asleep !

I remember Lynne saying goodnight around 11pm, but I have just looked at the screen clock and it's 4.30am !!

A steady if frustrating day...

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