Hi Folks!
Have you may have heard, yesterday my Computer desktop exploded! leaving me with a non functioning computer.
Do not worry I am not about to get all geeky n technical on you, as Altho I was involved with computers since the mid 80's and was self taught and from any problems, I could not solve, I asked those around me who I came to trust!.
So when I ever explained to a customer I always kept it simple and made it easy enough that 99% of them understood what had happened to there computer or what they were working on.
So lets move on...................
So there I am listing Items, that we have sorted thru in our computer room and have sorted 100's of items to sell on.
Most will probably only sell at the Start Price, but it's all pennies that will help us get to and have around 6 weeks in Scotland, or more if we go earlier.
and then my desktop started to explode !
Literally I saw the dash panel and desktop icons just explode and then just disappear and then my computer crashed big time !!
I had to pull the mains lead out to get it even to start to come to life.
But my mind was firing 100% with what the fuck just happened !!
My first thoughts were I have been hacked somehow, but after logging into our hub, with the disco laptop. Nothing unusual showed up, I even checked the log back for over a month, but found nothing.
My next thought was a virus or trojan, not something I have heard a lot about with Ubuntu, I even asked those on the forums, that I have spoken to before, but nothing matches what I describe, until, a young lady (who wishes to remain anomalous) but she said she had something similar happen to her!. But after several hours of chatting (arnt these chat room great when they are used properly :) :) ), her issues were not what caused mine !, Shame as it could of saved me a lot of heart ache.
But then again for once in a very long time my brain was very active and wanted to get in front of my computer and resolve this!.
I have not felt like this since before we lost Timothy back in 2012, but I grabbed on to it with both arms and held on for the ride. :) :)
This is what I have been missing for so long, part of me did not want this feeling to go away again..
Just looking at pics I have taken, to help remind me of what I have been doing I noticed, that I have not done an update for 31st October 2022, so I better go back and do that before I carry on with today's Album...
Right, 31st October album, now uploaded and live :) :)
I can continue with today's update.
As usual, if you hover over the pics, you get a brief update and if you want to see the pic clearer, just double click and a larger pic will appear :) :)
God I am loving this, I feel like I am alive once more!
altho bloody frustrating I just love getting my teeth into my problems with my computer.
Ok the computer is the difference of life n death for me, because without being able to post all the things I have since Timothy was taken from us, I would have ended things there n then. Promise or not.
So to have these feelings of being alive have come as a huge shock to me, as I never expected to get back into repairing computers, I have just been happy to leave it alone and replace what fails, which has not been much.!
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