2nd November 2022 - Various Hobbies - Computer

Published on 4 November 2022 at 13:18

Morning Folks.

Well I managed 3 hours of sleep, before my brain woke me up and I was raring to get up and get on with my computer.

i could get used to this!.

Rights lets see if we can get my computer up n running today.

Postie brought me this - I ordered a replacement mouse 2 days ago as was struggling to click on anything when my hands starte dto shake with the old one. I decided to come into th 20th century and got a blue tooth one :) :)
Saw thi son Evilbay for £99.00 - a snip saving me some £30.00 :) :) cant wait to try it. seller even offered next day and surely postie delivered this late afternoon :) The idea being to upgrade my current M2, which is a possible area to my issue. But if
So last night left me with a cunning plan! I would replace me memory and upgrade it at the same time, to future proof my computer further. It arrived this afternoon :) :)
The hard drives are all going to be SOLD off, once I have recovered all the data on them and done a distructive format. The scribbles are just for me to make some BIOS changes in an effort to solve an issue that has been bugging me for the last week or so
A drop of the hard stuff ! - sorry only Vimto Juice
Looks empty now I have removed the graphics card. for now I will be using the onboard graphics.
My old M2 that was connected direct to the motherboard and used as my boot n ubunto drive.
It's replacement, already regegged it with Seagate.
All ready to install Ubuntu, only there is an issue! - it's reporting only 2meg ! - that lost me a few hours with Seagate's help desk
Mmmm - anyone notice the serial number ? compared to the next Pic !
I had missed it totally, it was only after I sent pics to Seagate that They pointed it out!
So they asked me to run SeaTools
and this confirmed that serial number on the Firecuda M2, is NOT GENUINE! But the serial number on the Box is Genuine. But before I need to find a windows computer and run there drive diags and send it to them, and they will start a return.
Meanwhile I contacte dteh seller with all the information, and to be fair he refunded me straight away!. and asked for the test results to get his money back. and told me to bin the Stick as not worth returning :) :)
Now I have this M2/M.2 adaptor that I brought when I starte d the build back in 2017. so an idea is forming....
As the 2nd slot has never been used, I stuck my old M2 boot-able stick on board and plugged it back into my motherboard. and booted up.
Result I think, I have deleted the partition and done a destructive format. And now the reports say it is 100%.
Time to remove this firecuda and see if I can do the same, after all I have nothing to loose..jpg
and I remove my original M2 from the adaptor card
and plug in the FireCuda, But unfortuently It did not allow me to do anything !
So I plug in teh new SATA 16 port Adaptor card
And I found this brand new 120Gb SSD, that I brought fo rteh raspberry, but never got around to fitting and used it as a temp drive to do a test install of Ubuntu on - after the usual questions I left it to it and went to grab some sleep..

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