6th February 2011 - Kurgan - Suzuki GS1000E - Custom

Published on 29 December 2022 at 06:02

Hi Folks

After being to busy to get down the shed. and hoping someone would reply and come n do the wiring for me. I have given up and decided to do it myself.

Now this is not a good option due to the fact that I cant spend long in the shed due to health reasons, doing other stuff for N.A.D.B as well as trying to get my disco rig ready for this year and working on the rally, attempting to fit in 2 3 mile walks a day to try n keep the drs happy.


As I have found in the past the best way to do wiring is to start n finish it the same day. Something I am unable to do. So this is gonna be a very long job, as each time I go out there will have to go over what I have done to refresh my memory as to were
Its starting to look tidyer already
that block conector has not been connected for over 2 years ! -- Nathan Towriss well good luck dude fingers crossed the colours match lol
Off comes teh selonoid
Just leaving the Altinator wires connected to teh Reg/Rec
Not been that tidy since Kurgan was rebuilt by me some 4 years ago
thats the loom half out
thats everything removed from this side
have to loosen teh coil mount bolts to remove the old loom and to feed teh new wires
under the stem plates its a real mess
and off comes teh old loom 🙂
The Ignitor box is left over from when I had electronic ignition fitted.
But to get to the mounting screw have to remove the rear brake resorviour and gently move it to teh side.
Thsi was working when I removed teh electronic ignition in favour of points, so will end up on ebay soon.
After removing the Ignitor box, a brain wave hits me why not mount the Klicktronic box there !
The bolt holes dont line up but cable ties do.........
have used 2 cable ties very loosly on teh frame to feed teh excess wire and to hopefully keep it tidyier
Thats the Kliktronic handle bar switches wired in and connected.
Now its time to connect all the earth leads to teh battery.
And all teh positive leads
Mount teh battery earth lead to teh frame
Join the multi connector earth lead block from the neg battery terminal to teh earth lead from teh Reg/Rec
Connect the Live thick wire from Positive terminal to Selonoid and the wire from the starter motor.
and mount the selonoid unit back on the frame. Time to stop as I'm soundling like a tube of Smarties. So back to working on the disco stuff after tea and then a nice bath. As I have said previously Time now is at a premium for me, so dont know when I c

Original comments from when this album was on facebook

Anne McGarrie

That was some real techy stuff going on there.....Kurgan will live again
Neil Cof Graham
no point in rushing it now mate do when you fell up to it
Stephen Osborn
It will be on the road near you soon
Not an Option Neil - altho have the donor bike which i broke and most didn't sell, so that's gonna be rebuilt - then i got some work to do to repair the Workshop build a bench - hopefully some better lighting in there and fewer drafts and then its bring in the new project

Neil Cof Graham

ok mate just dont over do it and make yourself ill


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