9th February 2011 - Kurgan - Suzuki GS1000E - Custom

Published on 29 December 2022 at 06:39

Hi Folks..

Just sometimes your faith in people, rises to new heights about how generous some people can be!! 

Nice Surprise arrived this morning from Dougs Cycles. He's obviously been following this so called rebuild, and The state of the wireing shocked him. So when he said he was gonna send me some connectors and a wire loom, little did I expect A large box ful
This is gonna make a huge difference. Many thanks to DOUG'S CYCLES for not only offering to send me these parts but for going beyond what Ever I could have expected.
So I suppose its time to rip out the last few days work and start again !
So off comes the wiring that I had started. In all honesty Looking at it I must have been in a drugged stupor as it was crap.
The one wire remaining is the Kliktronic handle bar switch wire.
Thats it removed from the headlamp area, now we are back to nothing it should hopefully come together a lot better and look better as well.
In the box was come corregated wire conduit stuff with a handy slit init. So fed it from teh headlamp shell to the battery area. that looks neat 🙂 and still plenty left.
Loosely tied cable tied it in place
ahhhh Found this box full of connectors for the white plastic 3 cable sockets.
and yet another box of useful goodies. mmmm I altho I am not very good at wiring, in fact im crap, but gonna try my best to do a good job 🙂 -- Doug Ashburn good ends and good wire will do a good job ;o)
this is the connector block taht connect to the ig switch. after a bit of thinking deciide I am not gonna use it.
So its time to get the wire cutters out and snip teh block of the Ig Switch wires
and on goes 3 of teh connectors ( dont think I used teh grey wire before so have left it alone)
and after a bit of time working out that there is only one block each of teh connectors will fit, heres the ig switch wired up.
Have been working with Nathen on here, who has kindly been braking the loom down into manageable sections for me. He asked me to undo teh right hand switch and let hime know what the colours are.
mmm dont really wanna take it apart anymore, but give a good idea of about 90% of the colours and were they go.
This is from teh right hand handle bar switch - way to long and it looks like I must have spliced in extention cables at some stage, or maybe they were already done. Have peeled the tape back to a more manageable area, and will cut accordingly to fit ins
Decided teh idiot wires were getting in teh way and that they also needed tidying up, so have removed them for now.
The main feed wire from the loom. after stripping down one of the looms sent today, found an orange wire with mulipul ends at one end, this will save me a lot of work, so I feed it thru the loom tubing. And a real bonus is its the same colour as the ori
Ok teh splice that was already there , is a bit far short, but both ends were long enough for me to feed one wire to the Ig Coils & the other end to the battery area
After a bit of tidying up - the 2 orange wires are now joined together and the White and Black have ther own conectors added and fitted to a 3 way block.
The orange from teh live from ig switch is conected to its block and joined together.
The coil mounts are slowing me down, so decide to remove them as well as teh cable ties I used.
The red wire ( live from battery to Ig switch is fed thru teh loom ( again as per wiring diagram) And teh orange feed wire from teh Ig switch is conecte dto a block connector.
From one of the Looms found thsi black wire again with multipul ends and fed it thru teh loom tube. and added a 3 block conector (battery area)
Joined some of teh other black wires from teh loom to teh same block. There are a couple of spares left over. I will leave them for teh time being in case they are needed. so all the earth feeds are joined to one block (black wires) live to ig switch (r
The earth from Reg/rec, frame earth and earth direct from neg termial on battery are all added. The earth from teh rear light is also conected. The Yellow & pink wires hangimg are from rar light unit. Looks a bit messy at moment, but when all cable tie
Already looking tidier here, now my kneew are hurting. so its time to sit on teh stool and do soem at teh headlamp shell
ok it took me some 20 mins to do, but is this earth lead block is conected to headlamp shell mount bolt, and i think looks very good
also join a earth wire from teh other headlamp mount both to the block in teh previous picture
Have added a pare earth. Over the years I have found that you cannot have too many earth points on chops ! and have in the past got me home after a break in the earth wire in the loom or at worst, provide me with some wire to effect a bodge to get me home
Now its time to connect the red from bat to ig switch and teh orange from ig switch to teh loom 🙂 This has been done with a few trips down the shed and then coming in for a break, but now am really tired and me breathings not good. So gonna call it a ni

Original comments left from when this was on facebook...

Anne McGarrie

Stephen Osborn
Not as pleased as i am Harry
Stephen Osborn
will try

Pic.1 - 

Phil Spencer

Jeeeez, good luck lol
Stephen Osborn
Cheers Phil
Nathan Towriss
ill be back about half 4 tomoorow msg me if ya get any problems dude
Stephen Osborn
Wont be in - im on the road from 2pm and wont be back till around 2pm - so next time will be friday


Nathan Towriss

ahh ok dude good luck
Reiko Osagawa
it look like a birds nest
Stephen Osborn


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