All things N.A.B.D - Those we have helped get back on the road..

Hi everybody.When you help fundraising at times it becomes a real chore and a black hole, as you cannot stop but you always wandering especially during winter when you do not see anybody if you are actually doing any good.We have no accurate figures of monies you have all donated to us over the years, because to me it's not how much we can raise, but can we actually help get people, re gain the lives they love, but thought they had lost.Sadly most people are very grateful for the grants, but they do not wish to publicise the fact. That as a person who has received and benefited from a NABD grant, But I hope if they see these Albums, it may just make them smile, remember who much they love there lives now and understand enough to take a few pics and put a few words together, and send it into NABD so it can be added in the NABD magazine, and help us fund raisers smile and want to carry on raising the much needed funds to help others get back on there bikes/trikes they love so much.In the Album you will find some of the people who have done the above and sent into NABD and we proudly have them displayed here.AGAIN i THOUGHT THESE ITEMS WERE LOST IN THE HARD DRIVE CRASH, BUT SO FAR HAVE RECOVERED THOSE BELOW.HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE MORE THAT CAN BE RECOVERED. Yours FaithfullyMr & Mrs Creature  P.S below you will find another of Timothy's fav tunes, please turn ya volume to the max and press play whilst you read the articles below....

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