March 2023 - Item's SOLD To Fund - Trip To Scotland 2023.

Published on 2 March 2023 at 05:46

Hi Folks

We are trying to raise about 6-8K, to not only fund our Time in Scotland, but also to raise the funds needed to convert the old Disco Transit into a fully fledged Camper.


So that means we have to sell just about everything we can, whether we make 20p or £70.00 from a Sale, it all adds up....


Last month was a bit quieter on sales, that probably was down to me taking the focus of listing more items, and working longer on the conversion. 
But we still raised a healthy £255.70 for February.

I listed a load on model railway items, that started on Tuesday and end on Saturday, and I have another box, that I hope to get sorted and listed ready for Saturday after 1pm.


so now we Start yet a new month!  and the figures get reset back to Zero and we start all over again....

March 2023 total raised so far £245.95

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