3rd January 2006 - 850cc Reliant trike

Published on 7 November 2022 at 16:06

Today and after taking kids back to skool,

and a few hours more sleep.

Its back down the shed.

I was determined to get loads done,

but as usual tiredness got in the way .....


Picked up the battery box and moved it into the shed next door.

mainly to dry out (like most things in the lean-to is soaking wet

(really must get around to putting new roof on - hopefully next week)).


will have to tidy the shed up 1st tho....
Altho I have spent some 5 hours down the shed, as usual not everything goes the way i'd hoped and so did not get as much done as I hoped.

But every day I spend down there means I'm a bit nearer to completion.

Hopefully next week I will have the plates welded behind the steering stem,and the welds in front all sorted. There is a bit more tidying up to do, but am hoping to start paining the frame in the next week or so.

This obviously ids dependent on the weather as I have to get the new plastic sheeting on the roof, to make it reasonably water tight.

Tune in tomorrow night to see if I manage to get anymore done !!!!


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