26th November 2022 - House and Garden Update - Computer Room
Hi Folks.there will not be too much happening in the Computer room today, as Lynne n Mines focus today, will be on the conversion of the transit.So any tidying up, Sorting, Testing and finally Listing will be done in the rest periods, as we let my body recover some what!But with a close to 100 items starting today, this last weeks progress, will hopefully benefit from more Sales.I look around me in my Computer chair and to be honest, I do not see much of a change, (or any change come to that).But I must be getting somewhere, just by looking at the boxes & a nearly full Ottoman can testify.Hopefully, when i get the corner finally finished, I been trying to clear out at times this week, and I label and stack the boxes up, that will finally show that I am doing something right :) :)